Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Wishing for More Than Stats

I haven't had any funny running stories to tell for a long time and that makes it difficult for me to put out the effort to write in this little blog-thingy.  I haven't given up running; I'm still steady at it.  In fact, on Saturday I ran 2 miles in 20 minutes, which means I managed to maintain a 10 minute mile for 2 miles.  I know.  I'm a genius when it comes to math.  Now, I've just got to figure out how to get from 2 miles to 6 miles before April 26.

Yesterday, I did a silly thing.  Monday is my grocery day.  If I don't make it to the grocery store on Monday morning, my week starts getting hectic and before you know it, it's Wednesday and all we have in the house is ramen noodles and mayonnaise. (Have you ever tried to get a kid to eat a mayo sandwich for breakfast?  Not pretty.  "Just pretend it's butter, sweetheart.")  So, I needed to get to the market and I had an 11am meeting of a new writing group I'm helping to start (Saline County American Christian Writers, if you're interested).  Inside my fascinatingly complex mathematical brain, I had my timing figured down to the quarter of a second.  If I stayed on schedule, I could take the kids to school, drop Ruby at my sister-in-law's house, do the shopping, throw the cold stuff in the freezer, and still have time for a 30 minute run, a 30 minute shower and blow dry, plus 12 minutes of travel time before my meeting.  At 7:30am, I'm yelling at the kids to grab their lunch sacks and head to the car and (of course) there are missing gloves, torn homework papers, unsigned permission forms for "abstinence education", and Ruby pooped in her diaper.  On the way to school, my sister-in-law calls to say her baby is sick.  I rearrange the child care, recalculate the math, kick the kids out of the car in front of their schools and zip to WalMart.  I live in a small town and I forgot to calculate for the 4.5 people I would see at the store who would need to chat about PTO and the controversial new chief of police who was just appointed by the mayor who is currently at odds with the city council.  Drat, I'm now 14.25 minutes behind schedule.  I flew home, threw most of the cold stuff in the refrigerator (turns out I missed the sour cream, so now it's really sour cream), and headed to the park for my run.  On the way there, my daughter calls to tell me she's lost the permission form and needs me to come up to the school to sign another one.  I decided to save time and get a little revenge by running around the school campus -during school hours... isn't that your mom, Mattie?  What is she doing?  What is she wearing?  Sweet revenge.

But, as so often happens, my plan backfired.  I was about 50 yards into the run when my head started spinning and my stomach felt nauseated.  I was shaking, sweating and cold.  That's weird.  The only time I ever feel like this is -ding, ding, ding- when I forget to eat.  (Ha!  Ha!  You thought I was going to say "pregnant"!!)  I have issues with my blood sugar.  I sat down on the sidewalk with my head between my knees for about 5 minutes until I could stand without getting dizzy.  Didn't get much of a run, but I had plenty of time to get ready for my meeting.

1 comment:

  1. Sure you didn't eat...you know you want number six Kama :)
